Get to know a bit more

About Our Space
Our Vision
  • Giving people hope during trials and tribulations.
  • Highlighting topical issues that effect individuals and society .
  • Publishing material that helps restore and reignite people.
  • Emotional, spiritual, physical and mental. restoration.
Our Motto

Darkness cannot outshine the the light in you.

Our Values

Helping to make the world a better place.

What is this this space about?

Itcanhappen is a platform to help people become the best version of themselves and unearth their gifts and talents. In South Africa, 40% of marriages end before the 10th anniversary and 70% of children are from divorced households. Yet, despite these high statistics, society seems not to be fully aware of the divorce impact has on both adults and children. Instead, divorce is tucked deeply in whispers, often spoken about in passing. Even in the church, very few have the courage to openly talk about the pain they have gone through and their challenges.

Associated with the high divorce rate is a lack of fathers’ involvement in their children’s lives for various reasons, with devastating consequences for children and society. As a result of divorce, mental health issues are a silent killer that remains invisible to the naked eye, with suicide, murder and violence amongst the ills associated with acrimonious divorces.

Itcanhappen is an initiative to publish material that motivates people and helps individuals to heal with the main aim being to make the world a better place.  The end goal is to help people become the best version of self.

Meet Hilton
Hilton 8

Hilton Chirambadare


Who is Hilton Chirambadare

Brief Intro

Hilton Chirambadare is a passionate leader with a desire to help make the world a better place and also help people heal from painful experiences like divorce. The process of becoming an author has helped him find out more about his purpose in life, while the aim of his work is to inspire others to also discover their calling and help them to find their true north.

Professional Background

A qualified geologist, Hilton began his career in 2003 and is currently employed in the mining sector.
